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All footage, images/pictures, and media, used on this website falls under "fair dealing".

Fair dealing in United Kingdom law is a doctrine which provides an exception to United Kingdom copyright law in cases where the copyright infringement is for the purposes of non-commercial research or study, criticism or review, or for the reporting of current events.

The material on this website is being used and made available for the purpose of non-commercial research, study, criticism, and review, and for the reporting of current events. It falls under "fair dealing" in UK doctrine. 

This free website may contain copyrighted material - the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is however being made available within this transformative/derivative work for the purpose of non-commercial research, study, criticism and review, and for the reporting of current events, and it is being distributed without profit.

This falls under "fair dealing" in UK doctrine. 

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