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"The Law" is not what you have been taught to think it is. You cannot give any "power structure" or "authority figure" rights and/or power that you yourself do not have.
We are ALL EQUAL before the law. 


It doesn't matter who you vote for, what you believe, or how you feel about this, "The Law" is not - and cannot be - made by man, woman or any government. "The Law" is not a set of rules/words written down by man or government. Law - is inherent, and we all know the law inherently. Be kind truthful and honest, and cause no harm loss or injury to another being - that is the law.

Everything else is nothing but an imposition created by an individual who has no right to claim any authority over you or anyone else- legislation is supposed to govern the flow of commerce, not govern our everyday lives. Legislation in its current format only restricts personal freedom in accordance with an imposers will, which in itself is an act of violence on an individual, No one is required to bow down to another just because a claimed authority says so.

We all know that imposing on someones freedom and personal life is a crime. Our rights end where another's are infringed.

As long as you do not harm anyone, or anything, without a just cause (Ex: self defence or survival), you are free to do whatever you please. No one has the right to restrict your freedom or tell you what to do under any circumstances what so ever - unless you have committed an act of harm (crime) against another being.


and our legal illiteracy


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