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5G, Birds, Bees, and Humanity - Arthur Firstenberg


Updated: Feb 22, 2020

If you care about Animals, The Amazon, The Congo, or this Earth. Then you need to watch this video and take on board this extremely important message.

The chapters in the lecture:

01. 00:15 The story of the monkey and the jar of peanuts

02. 01:47 The irradiation by cell phones and cell towers - responsibilities

03. 03:59 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G

04. 11:26 WiFi refugees

05. 13:05 EHS

06. 15:38 Conflict-minerals in your cell phone

07. 23:37 All in order to serve YOU

08. 24:58 5G – Intensification of the destruction

09. 27:19 LiFi – a Trojan horse

10. 28:44 Space: enormous fleets of 5G satellites in low and medium orbit

11. 31:04 What will this do to earth and every living thing on earth?

12. 32:57 The global electrical circuit

13. 35:08 «We»

A Symposium regarding 5G, Birds, Bees, and Humanity was held on August 12, 2018 in Taos, New Mexico, USA. Arthur Firstenberg was one of the lecturers.


PDF : lecture information and links

PDF : list of used photos and videos

Upload Source: *This video was removed by Facebook and a copyright strike was placed against our account for appealing the decision under grounds of Fair Use, Facebook obviously didn't like what this video promotes.*


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