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5G "We won't wait for the standards"


Updated: Jun 5, 2019

"We won't wait for the standards" - Tom Wheeler [FCC Chairman].

“There is a body of research that has over the years pointed to the fact that exposure to mobile radiation can lead to depression. There is evidence of higher suicide rates where people live near any electrical equipment that gives off radio or electrical waves.” - Dr Roger Coghill

Dr Coghill, who sits on a Government advisory committee on mobile radiation, has discovered that all 22 youngsters who have killed themselves in Bridgend, South Wales (United Kingdom) 2006 - 07 lived far closer than average to a mobile phone mast.

Dr Coghill has examined worldwide studies linking the proximity of masts to depression and he has said that there was strong circumstantial evidence that the masts may have triggered depression in the people from Bridgend who took their own lives. They include Kelly Stephenson, 20, who hanged herself from a shower rail in February this year while on holiday in Folkestone, Kent. Masts are currently placed (on average) 1000 metres away from each home across the United Kingdom. In Bridgend, South Wales, the victims lived on average only 356 metres away.  Three transmitters were within 200 metres, 13 within 400 metres and as many as 22 within 500 metres of victims’ homes. Carwyn Jones, 28, who hanged himself, was the third young person in his street to commit suicide. With the roll out of 5G, telecoms companies want to put masts outside every single home, and increase the frequency range from 2.4GHz all the way up to 70GHz.

"I've been reviewing the studies showing the impacts of wireless radiation on our health and there are now thousands of studies showing the following adverse health impacts to wireless radiation:

cancer, oxidative damage, DNA damage, DNA failure, cardiac arrhythmias and other effects on the heart muscle, as well as blood pressure and vascular effects,

ADHD is skyrocketing, behavioral disorders, and learning difficulties, sleep disturbances, and memory loss, changes involving the blood-brain barrier, and effects on neuron-firing rates in the EEGs, disrupted immune function, and change is stress proteins, reproductive and fertility effects...

From a medical perspective, this will be disastrous." - Dr Angie Colbeck Sources:


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