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Template Letter - Notice Of Concern (replying to a notice of work in your area)


Updated: Jun 26, 2019

FORMAL COMPLAINT AND NOTICE OF CONCERN Dear (COMPANY NAME) I have received the following letter through my door (please see the attached image), and it has me deeply concerned for my health, my community, and for the very environment and the wild life in my area.

This letter states that (NAME OF COMPANY) are investing £(AMOUNT OF MONEY) and will be commencing in a plan to undertake electrical works in my area over the next (NUMBER OF MONTHS) months.

This letter states that (NAME OF COMPANY) plan to replace existing electrical equipment, replace (OTHER EQUIPMENT - example wood poles, transistors, ect,), and do further works to upgrade existing substations and underground cables.

The letter then goes on to state that, as part of this work, "vegetation management" will be required.

The letter then states that the reason for this "vegetation management", is to ensure that falling debris, such as debris falling from trees, does not "come into contact with electrical equipment". 

I find this statement quite concerning and alarming when considering how little information has been given in this letter about what "vegetation management" actually implies, especially when considering what we are being told about climate change, deforestation, and just how much we need trees and vegetation now, more than ever before.

Last year over (NUMBER) trees were removed in (YOUR LOCAL AREA), and there have been many other tree clearances around Britain as a whole in preparation for 5G, which is amounting to thousands up on thousands of trees being taken down across our country.

Regarding this, I would like full written confirmation confirming that there will be no long term damage to the trees and vegetation in my area. And I would like full written confirmation confirming that any and all new electrical/telecoms installations are completely safe and fully tested for harm. I also I require full written confirmation confirming that these installations will have no long term negative effects on the environment, or on the health of people in the area that they are implemented in.

The next concern that I would like to formally address and raise, is regarding the role out of the UNTESTED and UNSAFE 5G technology infrastructure that is being implemented all around this country without the consent of the (YOUR COUNTRY - example, British) public.

To my knowledge, an 18 page letter has been sent to every British MP regarding the matter of 5G being rolled out.

The letter outlines the very serious risks associated with the implementation of 5G technology, risks that are being kept from the public. A pdf copy of the letter is available here:

What many people don’t know is that 5G radio frequencies (RF), which will incorporate exponentially higher and more intense frequencies than 4G, are TOTALLY UNTESTED FOR SAFETY.  What many people also don’t know is that over 200 highly qualified scientists and doctors have appealed to the EU warning of the ‘potential serious health effects’ of 5G and requesting a moratorium (halt) on the 5G roll out so that crucial safety testing can be carried out before people are exposed to its frequencies. 

The appeal states that: ‘RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment’. 

I would like to refer you to the following appeal: October 2018,  ‘The EMF Call’

(, which reads: Scientists and NGOs Call for Truly Protective Limits for Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz)’

‘ICNIRP’s opinion and guidelines are unscientific and protect industry, not public health.’

‘In order to protect the public and the environment from the known harmful effects from electromagnetic fields (EMF), we ask the United Nations, the World Health Organization and all governments, not to accept the ICNIRP guidelines. They are not protective, rather they pose a serious risk to human health and the environment since they allow harmful exposure to the world population, including the most vulnerable, under the unscientific pretext that they are “protective”.’ It is important to note that 5G has been identified by over 2,000 scientists and 1,400 medical doctors from all over the world, as presenting a direct threat to human health, as well as to animal, insect and plant life. It has also been stated that, in academics, the current roll out of 5G is considered human subjects testing.

Now, having read the information in the copy of the letter above, and with regards to my deep concerns in this matter, I would like full written confirmation, under full commercial liability, that the investing of £(AMOUNT OF MONEY) worth of new electrical infrastructure, by (COMPANY NAME), in the areas outlined in your letter (attached), have absolutely nothing to do with any systems, or infrastructure, that will assist in the untested and illegal role out of any 5G networks, or 5G infrastructure, in my area.

I look forward to your reply to this deeply concerning issue.

Kind regards. (YOUR NAME)

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