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This Video Might Change Your Opinion On 5G


5G is an untested technology, we are all being used as lab rats by the wireless industry. They will profit while we get sick and participate in a huge experiment on humanity.

The [INCIRP] guidelines being used to justify the roll out of 5G are over 20 years old. The guidelines are redundant when considering modern science and modern medicine, they do not reflect any modern studies what so ever and have not been updated since 1998. The INCIRP guidelines are based on research that was done in the 1980's.

The INCIRP guidelines are based around the theory that if "radiation does not heat you, it cannot hurt you" (Non Ionizing), which is completely inaccurate. This theory is now over half a century old, and has been completely nullified and debunked by modern science.

5G is not 'safe', not by any standard. And anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar, this is the case because there simply is no standard available to claim. There have been no studies done on 5G, therefore no one can know what it will do at long term public exposure. All we have to go on are the studies that have been conducted on our current wireless technology, 70% of which show adverse biological effects and suggest that the current guidelines are well and truly wrong.

The bulk of modern science shows, without a doubt, that wireless radiation has severe biological effects on all living life forms. Which highly highly suggests that 5G (being a much stronger and much denser frequency), will be far more dangerous to our health.


The simple point and fact of the matter is that we need to update the standards and have testing done, in controlled studies. We should not be having a huge experiment on the public, to do so is a breach of our basic human rights, and the Nuremberg code.

Before this technology is rolled out onto the public, there should be absolutely no reason that it should not have to pass a new set of up to date safety standards. New standards based on modern science. Our government should be pushing for this before 5G is rolled out, especially when thousands of professionals in these fields are now speaking out in concern.

Stop and take a look at 5G for what it is. This whole scenario IS big tobacco all over again, profits over people. This time however, 5G is over the top out of control, there are no safety stands in place and everyone is being forced to take part in this.. we have will have no individual choice in the matter. That is unless we stand up right now, and make our voices heard loud and clear.

5G is now quite literally being rammed down out necks.

This is a complete breach of our human rights.

5G should be completely banned until all modern scientific research has been acknowledged by the FCC, and until the legislation surrounding wireless radiation has been updated and brought into line with the current scientific literature available. We need to invoke the precautionary principle.

Why are we not being protected? Profits.

There are no reasons why testing this technology in a lab before it is rolled out should be an issue if 5G is safe.

So what's the big rush... ? ..


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