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Wi-Fi in Schools: Back-2-School Message for Parents.


"ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED - August 2018 While it's important to get the necessary supplies and keep general safety in mind, school administrators are missing an important detail. Our children are getting ZAPPED inside their classrooms - it harms bodies & brains and the biological effects are cumulative."

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Wi-Fi in Schools: Back2School Message for Administrators.

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Environmental Consultants & Electromagnetic Radiation Specialists

“I have heard from hundreds of people who have experienced severe health effects from wireless [technology], and it is a frustration that most news outlets have steered clear of this topic.” -Beatrice Golomb, professor of medicine – UC-San Diego (, “Tuning into Microwave Sickness”)

“Parents would never give their children pesticides or jet fuel or asbestos to play. These agents are also classified along with cellphone and wireless radiation as possible human carcinogens by the WHO. Around the world we are paying the price now for having delayed actions on tobacco and asbestos after insisting on human harm before taking action. We cannot afford to wait for definitive proof of human risks from radiation emitted by wireless transmitting devices before taking steps to reduce exposures. The absence of evidence of hazard is not proof of safety.” -¬¬Devra Davis PhD MPH, President of Environmental Health Trust

In response to this assertion from American Cancer Society - Radiofrequency waves from cell towers are not enough to break chemical bonds in DNA molecules which lead to cancer, unlike X-rays and ultra-violet rays.” … This hypothesis that only thermal impacts are biologically hazardous has now been disproved because results the NTP released in 2018 show cell phone radiation has adverse effects, replicated also by the Ramazzinni Institute on cell tower exposures. These same cells that became cancerous in rats are the same cells that are reported to turn into tumors in people in epidemiology studies of cellphone users… The NTP report linking radiofrequency radiation to two types of cancer marks a paradigm shift in our understanding of radiation and cancer risk.” -Otis Brawley, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society “As a teacher, my first obligation to the community I serve is to make sure that our classroom environment is safe. As we are now being inundated by chronic exposure to radiation from school-wide industrial-strength wireless access points, I can no longer fulfill this important duty and it puts me at odds with those in charge. None of us were asked for our informed consent to be in these environments. As there are no agencies responsible to check or monitor the radiation levels to which we are being exposed, decisions to proceed are being made without any safety standards in place. As such, those of us on the front lines – students, teachers and staff members are depending on our school boards and administrators to make the most ethical decisions possible, decisions that prioritize the health and safety of those they serve over all other considerations. Unfortunately, even as the evidence of dire health consequences from wireless radiation is mounting, such decision-making is rare, leaving all of us in educational settings vulnerable to serious illness.” -Lore Flavell – Orange Co., CA

“The NTP studies were conducted to test the widely-held assumption that cell phone radiofrequency radiation could not cause cancers or other adverse health effects (other than by tissue heating) because this type of radiation (non-ionizing) did not have sufficient energy to break chemical bonds. The NTP findings that cell phone radiation caused cancers in the heart and brain, DNA damage in brain cells, heart muscle disease and reduced birth weights clearly demonstrate that the assumption that non-ionizing radiation cannot cause cancer or other health effects is wrong.”

- Dr. Ronald Melnick, the senior NIH toxicologist who designed the $30 million NTP study


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