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we encourage you to research everything that is said here and investigate further on your own,
make your own mind up.

Imagine Image.jpg

The world that you have been taught to "believe" in, and be apart of, is nothing more than a concept. It's just an idea. Someone else's way to perceive and live in this reality. But that doesn't make it your reality, it doesn't mean that you have to live your life through someone else's structure. You are a sovereign being, you have choice, and you have just as much right to live your life freely and out with "the system" as any other sentient being that walks on this Earth does.

No one has the right to tell you how to live your life, no one has the right infringe on your freedom, and equally you have no right to tell others how to live their lives, and you have absolutely no right to infringe on
another's freedom. Everything requires consent and equal consideration.

Our consent in this case is manufactured by the system that enslaves us, we're brainwashed (educated) and hypnotised into accepting a predetermined reality structure without questioning it. We have been taught to assume things and question very little. And through this hypnotic state we defend a false view of reality and apply peer pressure to others in order to get them to conform to it. 

tumbling down the rabbit hole...

psychological warfare

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social conformity


the woman in the red dress represents our distractions.
our Lack of
commitment to reality, and the ignorance we have to life.

the woman in the red dress

Woman in the red dress.png




the matrix

She represents our conditioning, she is the chains within our mental prison,
temptation, distraction, lies. gluttony. lust. greed. power.

she represents all the things stopping your minds from being truly free and evolving further.

Moments before this scene in the matrix, when the music barely begins to play,
the movie shows a red light turning green (in the shape of a person).

the crosswalk light is a foreshadow to this whole scene.
when morpheus begins to speak with neo, the light turns green.

symbolising that his mind is now opened to accepting new information.

when the woman in the red dress showed up, neo predictively stopped paying attention to what morpheus was telling him. 
this is reminiscent of what happens when people fade out of serious conversation
and loose concentration in favour of some form mindless drivel or social program.

neos temptation for The woman in the red dress represents both yourself
and the system re-connecting you - wilfully, seductively, and ignorantly - back in to the matrix.

do not be distracted by the systems seductions and worthless material offerings,
stay consciously unplugged and see through the social programming.
this system only wants to use you to meet it's own means,



Woman red dress 2.PNG

the system




the matrix

you are its product and its stock, and it will draw you back in through any and all means necessary.


can you see the bars yet?

Look around you...
We live inside an
open prison.

Is there anything
you can do that isn't
taxed, regulated or

Is there anywhere you can go truly go without being
harassed by a group/gang of people wanting information and money from you? 

it's all about your consent and participation in wilful ignorance.

"He who would be deceived, let him be deceived"

maxim of law, which basically means that if you are ignorant enough to not know who you are [a flesh and blood spirit filled being - NOT a corporation], then you deserve to be tricked [by your/every government which is ruled by the Vatican].

our cognitive prison

keeping people disorientated and misguided is essential to maintaining mental prison


stop thinking what the box in the corner tells you to think. use your own discernment and come to your own conclusions.

never bow to peer pressure.


research and cross reference your topics of choice.
use several sources,
don't allow yourself to be spoon fed or told what to think,
question everything.

even if there was no agenda, it's a very cult like
mentality to only accept information from one
source without question, and deny all else.

make fully informed decisions without bowing
to cultural peer pressure, and never be dishonest with yourself. 
never favour public opinion or your own bias above facts.
nothing but truth, and honest understanding should matter
when researching and exploring your own reality.
when denying facts, you're only lying to yourself.


following the breadcrumbs...

it's time to have an honest look at things.

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Dr. Stanly Plokitin, MD
World's Leading Authority On Vaccines

'do you know it to be true?
or do you just believe it to be true?'

dr john bergman on vaccine ignorance


eyes wide shut..

we have become focused on nothing but materialism.
forgotten who, and what we truly are.
Disconnected from our true reality, everything is now corrupt and full of neglect.

perception manipulation

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
- Joseph Goebbels


is what it seems


everything is structured and geared towards control..
in our current society we are nothing more than wheels on a machine.

Batteries.. revenue generators...
the only difference between human beings and cattle
- is that we can't see our bars.

popular CULTure

this world is not what we have been led to believe it to be. 
our ignorance, and greed, is causing severe harm and destruction.

reading between the lines

i can only show you the door,
you're the one who has to go through it.. 

break your cultural programming.

you're either part of the solution,
or a part of the problem. 

swallow the red pill

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mind Still Under Construction

"Ring Ring"

it's time
to wake up...

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